Nurse's Corner
CHS Nurse
Phone: (928) 502-5908
Fax: (928) 502-5869
Health Office Specialist
Phone: (928) 502-5910
Fax: (928) 502-5869
Health Information
Immunization Records:
The laws and rules governing school immunization requirements are Arizona Revised Statutes §15-871-874; and Arizona Administrative Code, R9-6-701–708. Students must have proof of all required immunizations in order to attend school; however, Arizona law allows K-12 immunization exemptions for medical reasons, lab evidence of immunity, and personal beliefs. Special exception forms are available in the health office.
Immunizations can be completed with your family physician or at the Yuma County Health Department.
Chronic Illness:
Yuma Union High School District provides for accommodations for students with chronic health problems. This is defined as “… pupils who are unable to attend regular classes for intermittent periods of one or more consecutive days because of illness, disease or accident but who are not homebound.”
Students with existing chronic illness conditions should obtain chronic illness request forms from the Health Office at the beginning of the school year. When a new chronic condition is medically diagnosed, please notify the health office to obtain the chronic illness forms. The Medical Certification Report form must be completed by a licensed healthcare provider and returned to the health office. Once received, a meeting will be scheduled by the school to write the Chronic Illness Instructional plan. Once approved, a chronic illness plan is effective for one calendar year. The Instructional Plan is effective for the current school year.
If a student’s absences amounts to three (3) school months, sixty (60) school days, another chronic health condition certification shall be obtained through a provider and a school-parent/student conference will be arranged to discuss the appropriate service delivery necessary for continued learning.
Parent/guardian is responsible to notify the health office of a chronic illness absence on the day of the illness.
Daily or prescription medications are administered by the Nurse, according to Yuma Union High School District policy.
If the Nurse is not available, the school administrator may appoint a “designee” to administer medication; on field trips, a campus administrator may delegate the administration of medication to unlicensed personnel.
All Prescription Medications, including inhalers, must be in a pharmacy box/bottle with prescription label attached with your student’s name, medication name, dosage and time of day clearly stated. The parent/guardian must complete and sign the Medication Administration Request form for every prescription medication given on campus. Refills of medications are to be brought to the school health office by a parent.
The parent/guardian may bring in over-the-counter medication for their student; the container must be sealed and your student’s name must be clearly written on the container. Requests must be in agreement with the manufacturer’s directions or have a superseding physician’s order. A Medication Administration Request form must be completed and signed. Medication from Mexico may be dispensed at school with a copy of the prescription from the physician or dentist whose practice is in Mexico and administered at the Nurse’s discretion.
If the parent/guardian wants his/her student to receive treatment for minor complaints/injuries, and/or receive over-the-counter medication such as Ibuprofen or Tylenol (acetaminophen) the parent/guardian must complete and sign a Health History form giving written permission to the Nurse to administer over-the-counter medications. Topical or oral Benadryl is not stocked in the health office.
All medications are kept in the health office unless special arrangements have been made with the Nurse.
Certain emergency medications (Inhalers and Epi Pens) may be kept within the location of your student or in your student’s backpack. A special consent form must be completed and signed for these self-carry medications.
Parents/guardians should retrieve medications at the end of the school year; medications will be destroyed if not retrieved by the last day of school.
Student Health History/Emergency Medical Information Form:
The Health History/Emergency Medical Forms are a vital piece of information that communicates to the Health Office staff the medical history of your student. The form is located on this page or through the school. Please be as specific as possible when describing a serious condition.
It is imperative that the Health office receive medical information from a Primary Care Provider if your student has a serious health condition. This information will assist the Health Assistant in providing the proper care to your student during an emergency.
If your student has asthma or allergies, please be sure to indicate if your student uses an inhaler or needs an Epi Pen. A special consent form is available if parents prefer to have their student carry an inhaler or Epi Pen in a backpack.
The form must be completed in order for the Nurse to administer over-the-counter medications (Tylenol/Ibuprofen) for minor complaints or injuries.
Please remember to sign and date the form and return it to the Health Office. This form must be completed every year.
Students with diabetes:
A diabetes medical management plan should be completed every school year by student’s primary care provider. With a medical management plan in place, students will have the opportunity to store snacks, juice and diabetic supplies in the health office.
Students are not required to check in with the health office daily. However, we do ask that each student introduce him/herself to the health office staff within the first week of school so that we can familiarize ourselves with one another in case a need were to arise or an emergency were to occur.
Students with Special Dietary Needs:
One of our primary goals is to keep each and every student safe. We realize that many students have life-threatening or mild to moderate food or environmental allergies.
Along with completing your student Health History/Emergency Medical Information Form, if your student has a food allergy or special dietary needs, please complete the Special Dietary Needs Form and return it to the health office. With parent permission, the information included on the form will be shared with the campus nutrition supervisor in an effort to meet the dietary needs of your student.
Please note that there are some circumstances where dietary needs are unable to be met by student nutrition and it is in the best interest of your student for them to bring their own lunch. We understand dietary restrictions are complicated and frustrating and we want students to eat. Please contact us with any concerns and we will provide assistance where possible.
School Excuse Notes from any Medical Appointment:
Health problems, which cause absences beyond the five per class, per semester require medical certification. Acceptable documentation includes:
- Medical doctor’s note or office visit receipt
- Absences excused from school health office visit
- Chronic illness (chronic illness form must be on file in the health office)
Medical certification should be turned in when a student returns to school. Upon administrative review of the documentation, a student may be excused from attendance makeup requirements. (see YUHSD Student Handbook for more information)